10 Life-Changing Habits You Can Form in 66 Days

Trust me — even you have time for a daily walk

Research shows that it takes, on average, 66 days to form a new habit. In my experience, though, the number isn’t the most important part — you can try to do something for 66 days or 6,000, but you’ll never make a change if you don’t have a good reason. What drives change? Pain. At some point, you simply can’t stand your current behavior or situation, and you need to do something about it.

Over the years, I’ve found myself in this position multiple times. The habits I adopted as a result may seem like small improvements, with insignificant daily returns. But because I understand the pain I’d be in without them, these habits have changed my life. They might just change yours, too.

1. Set three or four daily priorities

This is one of the best productivity strategies there is. Focus is what leads to results. It’s the thing that will bring you closer to achieving your short- and long-term goals. But how do you focus when your days are filled with endless distractions? By limiting your options. Each morning, be clear with yourself about what you want to achieve. Then commit to completing three or four small, but essential, tasks — anything beyond is a bonus.

2. Read for an hour a day

I get it, you’re too busy to read. Or maybe you don’t like to read. Well, you’re not getting off that easily. Reading turns you into a better thinker and writer. If you do it every day, you’ll eventually stop hating it, and one day you’ll even love it.

3. Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night

I never sacrifice my sleep for anything. Yes, I said anything. I recently canceled a meeting because I went to bed too late the night before. I had been reading a good book that completely consumed me, and started taking notes on that book. Before I knew it, it was 2 a.m. I was supposed to wake up at 7 a.m. to make the meeting.

So I canceled. This one meeting wasn’t worth being tired the whole day. While some people say they can perform well on five hours of sleep, those people are probably wrong. Protect your sleep, and be dead serious about it, whether that means going to bed early or adjusting your schedule.

4. Walk 30 minutes a day

If you can’t make time for a short daily walk, you’re not in control of your life. Walking, of course, keeps your body moving and is good for you, but the reason I love talking a walk is that it breaks up the mundane pattern of the day. Life is routine — there’s nothing wrong with that. But when you walk outside, you’re forced to be one with the world. Your senses are heightened. Your lungs feel the air, and your feet feel the texture of the ground. Go alone or with someone else — either way, get out, and enjoy your surroundings.

5. Do regular full-body workouts

Strength training has several benefits. It protects your bones, increases your muscle mass, keeps you lean, boosts your energy levels, and prevents injuries. I’ve been lifting weights since I was 16. I started with split routines, meaning I would work different muscles during every session. It turns out that muscles need more stress to become stronger. Ideally, you want to train all your muscles, three times a week. Full-body workouts are simple, practical, and they work.

6. Follow an intermittent fasting/eating pattern

I don’t eat anything after my dinner. And I skip breakfast. That means I “fast” for 15 to 16 hours every day. There are some health benefits associated with this style of eating, known as intermittent fasting; I do it because it makes me feel and look better.

How I do it: During my sanctioned eating times, I basically eat whatever I want, though I try to keep things somewhat healthy. The first meal of my day always contains a lot of unsaturated fat and protein. After that, I mostly stick to whole foods with a high nutritional value, and I stay away from junk food.

Consult with your doctor before you start practicing intermittent fasting, and make sure you consume the calories your body needs to operate (2,000 for women and 2,500 for men, on average, though each person’s needs will differ based on their body and lifestyle).

7. Be present

So many of us are so focused on “what’s next” that we forget to enjoy the present moment. We’re always waiting until we achieve something else. “I will be happy then,” we think. This is one of my biggest pitfalls. I need to remind myself every single day that I should enjoy the now.

Whenever you feel stuck in the future, find a trigger that brings you back to the present moment. For example, I recently bought a new watch. I’ve also been reading Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now. So I created a trigger. Every time I look at my watch, I say to myself, “What time is it? Now.”

8. Give love freely

People treat their love like it’s a depletable resource. It is not. Love never runs out. You can give away as much as you like, and you’ll still have more. So give away some of your love away every single day. Don’t worry about keeping score, and stop expecting something in return.

9. Write for 30 minutes a day

I need to get my thoughts in order every day, and I do that by writing. It helps me to focus on what matters in my life. Even when I’m not writing articles, I sit down and journal — for myself and no one else. It has been an excellent tool in helping me become a better thinker and person.

10. Save 30% of your income

Okay, if you can’t save 30%, then save 10%. It’s not so much about the amount you save, but how often you’re saving. Cut out purchases that you make daily or weekly. You don’t need the organic cashews that cost $10 — at least, not all the time. When you save on the small things, you can slowly but consistently grow your investments, your emergency fund, and the money you have set aside for big purchases or milestones. Small changes can help you be ready for anything life throws at you.

When you see where your new habits take you, how your life changes, it will be easier to keep going. I no longer see my habits as “habits” — they’re now simply a part of how I live.

10 Ways to Drastically Improve Your Life

1. Move to a big city. Big cities provide opportunities you would never have access to in small towns with its plethora of professions, people, and happenings.

2. Create a book, podcast, video, or blog post. Create a following. Use the power of media to bring your voice to millions of people.

3. Meet new people. Every person you meet opens new opportunities. The number one way to find a new job is through someone you know. Heck, you might even find the love of your life.

4. Read a classic book. Classics stand the test of time for a reason. They improve your vocabulary, boost your intelligence, and impart knowledge that has been deemed valuable for generations.

5. Read multiple books at once. There is a ton of wisdom out there waiting to be eaten up and only a finite amount of time in which to do it. Read what interests you. Don’t be afraid to skip around or stop reading if the book isn’t working for you.

6. Start a business. Take control over your work life. Put your financial future in your own hands.

7. Buy Bitcoin. Or another cryptocurrency of your preference. It might be a risky investment, but the risk pales in comparison to the potential return. You don’t even have to spend money to make cryptocurrency.

8. Invest your money. Angel investing isn’t an option for everyone, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use your money to make more money. Invest in the stock market. At the very least, everyone should have a retirement fund.

9. Start a weightlifting habit. Exercise will give you health, confidence, and energy, and lifting weights is the quickest and easiest way to achieve those ends.

10. Invest in yourself. Take a class that teaches you a skill you can use the rest of your life. Check your local junior college for available community programs.